Thu, January 2, 2:30 PM
Nonlocal Correlations in Networks

Nonlocality is one of the fascinating features of quantum mechanics. In particular, Bell’s nonlocality completely changes our understanding of locality in physics and correlations in nature. In this talk, first Bell’s nonlocality and its consequences in algorithms and complexity theory is reviewed. Then the general problem of non-locality in networks is introduced. A main question here is whether network nonlocality results is correlations beyond Bell’s setting or not. This question is answered affirmatively by presenting an explicit example in the triangle network. This talk is based on joint works with Marc-Olivier Renou, Yuyi Wang, Elisa Baumer, Sadra Boreiri, Nicolas Brunner and Nicolas Gisin. No particular knowledge of quantum mechanics is required to follow this talk.

Salman Abolfath Beygi

Associate Professor, IPM

His research interests include quantum computation and quantum information theory. He received B.Sc. from the Department of Mathematics at Sharif University of Technology in 2004. He received Ph.D. from the Department of Mathematics of MIT in 2009 under the supervision of Peter Shor. Before joining IPM, he was a postdoc at Institute for Quantum Information at Caltech. He is a member of the editorial advisory board of the Journal of Mathematical Physics.