Fri, January 3, 3:00 PM
Cloud Computing, Edge Computing and Beyond

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way computation is provided to users in terms of flexibility, agility, reliability and economies. The cloud architecture generally means to con-solidate computation and storage re-sources in centralized big data centers, put them under a single administration and then make them available as different kinds of well-defined services. Edge computing expands the traditional cloud architecture with additional data center layers that provide computation and storage closer to the end user. For example, a wide-area cloud data center which serves a large country can be augmented by a hierarchy of data centers that provide coverage at the city, neighborhood, and building level. Edge Computing facilitates the next generation of mobile and IoT applications that require low latency or produce large volumes of data. In this talk, we will review the evolution of cloud computing and edge computing over the last few years, present some recent work in the area of edge computing and discuss the opportunities that are predicted to become available in near future.

Mohammad Salehe

Ph.D. student at Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto

Mohammad is a Ph.D. student at Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto. He has received his bachelor and master degrees in Computer Engineering from Sharif University of technology. His research interests include Distributed Systems, Cloud Computing and Software Systems.