Fri, January 3, 10:00 AM
A Journey into Media Studies from the Perspective of a Technical Person

Setting objectives, measuring key results, and acting accordingly is a very effective method of making internet products. You can use today’s data analysis tools to understand what your users want from your product, and act even in real time to deliver that to them. The problem is that the key metrics which are measured are usually indicators of short-term behaviour of the product users, and they don’t answer important questions about what you are building, such as whether your product design is ultimately good for society. I applied for a Master’s pro-gramme in humanities to find a way to measure such important qualities in product design. In this talk, I will share my experience; how I didn’t find an easy method for the aforementioned problem, and what was changed in me instead.

Reza Mohammadi

Associate Professor of Data Science at the Business Analytics Section of the University of Amsterdam

Reza received his B.Sc. in Computer Science from Sharif Uni-versity of Technology in 2009. After multiple failed businesses, with his friends they launched Bazaar Android application store, which now serves more than 38 million users. In 2012 they launched Divar, a classified advertisement internet ser-vice on which hundreds of thousands of ads are published every day. In 2017, he left the company to study New Media and Digital Culture at the University of Amsterdam. Now, he is a Product Owner in an Amsterdam-based company called Machine2Learn.